A new product has certain touch points which defines customer experience. Customer always looks into those experiences while judging the product.
We define those experiences step by step and identify which department is responsible to cater that experience to the consumer. In that respect the concern department can pinpoint factor and work to improve the product and communication.
The list of experience has been made sequentially.
Ø Coming in contact with the pack(seeing the pack for the 1st time)
o Size of the pack
o Hardness of the pack
o SKU(Single Key Unit) of the pack
o How the pack looks together with other packs(same packs) and in compare to competition
o Attractiveness of the pack
o Special offer highlighted on the pack
o Special feature highlighted on the pack
Ø When taking the pack in hand and seeing it closely
o Size of the pack
o Hardness of the pack
o SKU of the pack
o Attractiveness of the pack(creative), color etc
o Information provided on pack(content and expiry date etc)
o Special offers mentioned on pack(Example: 20% extra/Rs. 10/- off)
o Special feature mentioned on pack(like “sugar free”/ almond flavor)
o Shape of the pack(how many dimension the pack has)
o Price
o Touch and feel of the pack material
o Ease of carrying it(depends on the SKU also)
Ø While Opening the Pack
o The touch and feel of the packing material
o Attractiveness and color of the pack
o Information on the pack(rare case since most done during purchase)
o Ease of opening the pack
o The aroma that comes out of pack at the opening of pack
o If there is any breakage of biscuits within the pack
o Freshness of biscuits
o Crunchiness of biscuits\any special coupon/card in the biscuits that comes out on opening of the pack(customer delight since the same is not mentioned on the pack and the customer was not expecting the same)
o Number of biscuits(important since customers looks value for money)
o Size of each biscuits
o Shape and look of each biscuits
o Ease of taking out biscuits from the pack and storing the same.
Ø Upon serving
o How long the biscuits are fresh
o Size and shape of biscuits
o Number of biscuits(not important but also creates a psychological effect regarding repurchase)
o Aroma
o Look of biscuits when served multiple numbers on a plate
Ø While eating
o Look of the biscuits
o Size and shape of the biscuits
o Aroma
o Breakage in the first one or two bite
o Touch and feel of the biscuits
o Ease of putting it on mouth
o Ease of biting it (hardness)
o Ease of chewing and dissolve in mouth
o The taste(most important, since the same will trigger the second trial and later repurchase)
o How much filling the person feels after having 2 to 4 biscuits
o Urge of having the 2nd and 3rd one after having the first one
o How well it goes with tea(should go as complementary with tea/juice in case of cookies specially)
o Biscuits dust that falls after consecutive bites
o Post consumption feeling and taste that stays in mouth(this triggers the top of the mind recall/repurchase/urge to go for it next time) for feel good factor
o Having an extra one even after having tea